Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Taanis 2-3

1. Tana Heicah kai.

2. Tosfos Mei'eimasai clearly paskens we sit on the sukkah on Shmini Atzeres, not like minhag of Chasidim.

3. Tosfos Im Kein.  See Nefesh Harav p. ___ about asking (in birkas hashanim) all year reound depending if the climate needs it, based on Rosh __.

4. Tosfos Vayishma.  We can answer that Barad (hail) is a type of rain (precipitation) unless it was a miraculous barad like the makah in Mitzrayim.

5. Interesting that of the 3 mafteichos - techiyas hameisim, which will happen once, we mention every day.  Chaya, women giving birth, happens every day and we never mention it.  Rain, which happens half the year, the rainy season, should be mentioned, based on the other patterns, in the summer, when it is not seen!  Yet the halacha is to mention it during the rainy season.

6.  Bimarava Amri.  Very strange - maarava is Eretz Yisrael, why would Rabi Yochanan, an Amora from Eretz Yisrael, been quoted differently?  The answer is Brachos 44a Tosfos s.v.Inhu explains that Rabi Yochanan would say things for his Babylonian talmidim, ways they should pasken, even if in E"Y things were done differently.  In other words, he spoke to his audience.

7. Nisuch is halacha limoshe misinai.  Rambam says in hakdama to Perush hamishna that there can be no machlokes about a Halacha l;Moshe misinai and if there is a machlokes it can't be a HLMM.  That must mean about the details itself.  But we do see ,like here, arguments if something is a HLMM or not.

8."Just like the world cannot survive without wind."  Similar expression to last perek in Brachos - R' Akiva told Yehuda ben Pappas "just like a fish out of water cannot survive, so too Yisrael cannot survive without water.

Winds.  (From a discussion about Brachos which direction to sleep in) Rashi Brachos 3b from BB 25 about the 4 winds: morning east, because of sun; then south, then west, then north (from midnight).  See Pirkei DRav Eliezer 3 – they can fit with that Gemara: east brings light – because of sun comes from east in morning; then south (not sure why) brings gishmei bracha; then west brings darkness – because sun set in south; then north is snow, rain and bad weather.  2 poss: 1) we sleep in direction aligned with the wind.  2) 4 elements – earth, air, water, fire, -- rain etc represented by north wind is one of the heavy /physical ones, and tashmish/having a baby is very physical so it is aligned with the idea of the north wind.  Rashi says east/west is Shechina, he’s not sure which; with Pirkei D’Rav Eliezer I’d say south is bracha.

So maybe the world cannot exist without wind, mentioned here, is based on the premise that (at least some of) the winds represent the physical elements that all matter was created from.

9. Rashi afilu suma.  Be dan lekaf zechus.  What's the kaf zechus here?  Maybe the assumption is Talmidei chachamim are hard (like a few lines later) and if he's soft, one might think he's not really a talmid chacham, so we're dan lekaf zechus that he is a talmid chacham and the Torah made him soft.

10. Boneha.  And see end of Brachos and Nida - t""c marbim shalom...al tikri banayich ela bonayich.  Rav Ahron Soloveichik zt"l said that he never noticed that t"c have special aptitude to build things.  So he said bonayich is from shoresh bin (binah), intellectual.  Same thing would apply here.

11. Afilu chigeres.  shows that these mumim are defects in shidduchim.  But if so, let the kiddushin not work from mekach ta'os, yet our Gemara implies the kiddushin would have been final despiter her being crippled or blind?  Mumim shebigaluy are considered known - Gemaras discuss if there is a public bathhouse in the city the man would be able to ask his female relatives that a particular woman does not have a mum, because if she had a mum, people would know it from the bathhouse.  An answer (I'm nto excited about) is in end of Tosfos s.v. Yachol that she might have a prosthetic leg that Eliezer didn't notice, or beautiful eyes that were unable to see (which we wouldn't be able to tell).  So they were not mum shebigaluy.  (I have trouble with this because how could a blind person go find the well and draw the water?)

12. Yiftach & Tosfos s.v. Vehaynu.  Maybe this Gemara is here because it's saying how inflexible Yiftach was in not asking Pinchas to be matir neder.  See tanchuma Emor__.  (That makes it similar to Brachos 9 that Chizkiyahu and Yeshayahu were similarly inflexible about ging to the other for advice, so Hashem made Chizkiyahu sick and Yeshayahu had to go to him to be mevaker choleh).

13.  Peamim nireh.  Seems to going on zroa, arm, (think oif zroa netuya, outstretched arm with which Hashem punished Egyptians) which is sometimes covered and sometimes uncovered.  (Even for woman, see Makos 24 - the women would uncover arms to do laundry; it was not asur or a violation of tzniyus.  See also Mishna Negaim __ of what part of a womna's arm might be seen when she is sewing to determine if a nega is in a covered place or uncovered place.  But Rashi s.v. Pe'amim seems the pasuk - heart and arm - are going together.  That makes it sound like Tefillin that they are on the zroa kineged halev.  That means Rashi holds zroa is upper arm, above elbow.

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