Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Chodosh / Yoshon 2015

Telephone Hot Line: 718-305-5133, Email: yherman@earthlink.net


MASHGICHIM AND CONSUMERS NOTE: The OU has revised the Chodosh starting date for at least one major flour mill, General Mills in the New York area. The new Chodosh date is now Aug 22 or shortly thereafter. This mill is one of the more popular sources of professional flour to bakeries and pizza shops in the New York area, including the All Trump brand high gluten flour. Keep in mind that this early in the season, information is still subject to change. Nevertheless, we still keep to our earlier estimate that to be safe it is reasonable to assume that as of Aug 9, these freshly baked items may be Chodosh everywhere in the USA (MidWest after Aug 2), unless otherwise indicated by mashgichim or unless they were produced in facilities under hashgocho for Yoshon.
MASHGICHIM NOTE: We became aware last year that some pizza shops and other facilities that produce both Yoshon and non-Yoshon items may be using the same oven for both at the same time. Mashgichim should please check that this practice should not be allowed. They also should make sure that other keilim should not be used interchangeably between Yoshon and Chodosh items.

The following Chodosh starting dates are based on the weekly crop bulletins from the US Department of Agriculture.

1)       Freshly baked items using spring wheat, including breads, challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Aug 2. Elsewhere in the US, this date would be Aug 9.
2)       Packaged foods from spring wheat may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug 2, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 16.
3)       Noodles and pasta may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug 15 and the PURCHASE date of Sept 1.
4)       Barley, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug 2 and PURCHASE date of Aug 16.
5)       Oats: Last year, according to the O-U all oats used in cereals had a Chodosh PACKING date of Sept 1 or later, PURCHASE DATE of Sept 15 or later. Exceptions to this included General Mills cereals such as Cheerios and Quaker oats made in the USA for which the Chodosh dates were later. We are waiting for an update on this for the forthcoming season from the O-U. Oats used in non-cereal products such as oatmeal cookies, may be Chodosh starting a PACKING date of Jul 26, PURCHASE date of  Aug 9.
6)       Barley malt (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be Chodosh as of the packing date of Dec 15. Package codes should be checked after the purchase date of Jan 15 for beer and Mar 15 for malt in other products. 

The above dates are estimates of the earliest time that those items may already be Chodosh. In case of packaged goods, in most cases you may use last year’s Guide to see what the package code is for the cutoff dates given. Just add 1 to the year given in those codes. Those who do not have last year’s Guide may get last year’s  Guide by sending an email message to either chodosh@sefer.org or to chodosh@moruda.com. We plan to issue a Preliminary Guide to Chodosh, BE”H, by early September which will contain the package codes revised for the new season.

Telephone Hot Line: 718-305-5133, Email: yherman@earthlink.net

MASHGICHIM AND CONSUMERS NOTE: We have received notification from the OU that at least one major flour mill, General Mills in the New York area will switch to Chodosh on Aug 10 or shortly thereafter. This mill is one of the more popular sources of professional flour to bakeries and pizza shops in the New York area, including the All Trump brand high gluten flour. Other mills may start to switch to Chodosh later. Nevertheless, this confirms our earlier estimate that it is reasonable to assume that as of Aug 9, these freshly baked items may be Chodosh everywhere in the USA (MidWest after Aug 2), unless produced in facilities under hashgocho for Yoshon.

MASHGICHIM NOTE: We became aware last year that some pizza shops and other facilities that produce both Yoshon and non-Yoshon items may be using the same oven for both at the same time. Mashgichim should please check that this practice should not be allowed. They also should make sure that other keilim should not be used interchangeably between Yoshon and Chodosh items.

The following Chodosh starting dates are based on the weekly crop bulletins from the US Department of Agriculture.

1)       Freshly baked items using spring wheat, including breads, challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Aug 2. Elsewhere in the US, this date would be Aug 9.
2)       Packaged foods from spring wheat may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug 2, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 16.
3)       Noodles and pasta may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug 15 and the PURCHASE date of Sept 1.
4)       Barley, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug 2 and PURCHASE date of Aug 16.
5)       Oats: Last year, according to the O-U all oats used in cereals had a Chodosh PACKING date of Sept 1 or later, PURCHASE DATE of Sept 15 or later. Exceptions to this included General Mills cereals such as Cheerios and Quaker oats made in the USA for which the Chodosh dates were later. We are waiting for an update on this for the forthcoming season from the O-U. Oats used in non-cereal products such as oatmeal cookies, may be Chodosh starting a PACKING date of Jul 26, PURCHASE date of  Aug 9.
6)       Barley malt (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be Chodosh as of the packing date of Dec 15. Package codes should be checked after the purchase date of Jan 15 for beer and Mar 15 for malt in other products. 

The above dates are estimates of the earliest time that those items may already be Chodosh. In case of packaged goods, in most cases you may use last year’s Guide to see what the package code is for the cutoff dates given. Just add 1 to the year given in those codes. Those who do not have last year’s Guide may get last year’s  Guide by sending an email message to either chodosh@sefer.org or to chodosh@moruda.com. We plan to issue a Preliminary Guide to Chodosh, BE”H, by early September which will contain the package codes revised for the new season.


(1)   How to subscribe to have the printed material mailed to you

The subscription cost is $18 for all material to be mailed within the USA, $20 to Canada and Mexico, and $25 to be mailed to Israel and other parts of the world. The preferred method is to subscribe using a credit or debit card. This is very convenient for most people and is easier for us. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. If you are totally unable to charge to your card we will accept checks, but only if you have no other option. We have had problems with checks being mailed for subscriptions in the past.

How to subscribe with credit/debit cards
(a)    By recorded telephone message
Call 646-278-1189 and record a voice message with the requested information: Your phone number, credit card number and expiration date month and year, your name, and mailing address. Note we must have your contact phone number or email address so we can contact you in case of questions. We cannot accept subscriptions without   such contact information. Without it, your subscription can not be processed and you will not receive a Guide. Do not leave us any Chodosh questions or other messages at this number. Use instead our Hot Line number 718-305-5133.
(b)   Fax your credit/debit card information
You may send the above information by faxing it to our secure fax site at 888-755-7590. Please fill in and fax us the order. Include your full name, mailing address, contact phone number, credit card number, expiration date and indicate whether you want to automatically renew next year or not.  (In the past some people had trouble faxing us the subscription orders. We believe that this is because some low-cost phone systems do not allow calling toll-free numbers such as this 888 number. If the fax number does not respond, please call this number from any other phone system such as your cell phone to confirm that the fax system is working on our end.)
(c)    Do not send credit card information by email!
Do not send us credit card information by email since email is not secure and your information may be compromised.
How to subscribe by mailing a check
 If you are totally unable to charge to your card we will accept checks, but this is only if there is NO other option. We have had problems with checks being mailed for subscriptions in the past. If you must use a check, make out the check to Project Chodosh for the amounts stated above and mail it with your full address information and phone number to Project Chodosh, c/o Mrs. C. Rosskamm, 963 Armstrong Ave, Staten Island, NY 10308.


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Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do not need to renew this email subscription.

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