Friday, August 15, 2014

Parshas Eikev - Dating Lesson

During dating it is conceivable that one party will be out of town to meet/visit the other party.  We must be very careful to keep our obligations to the visiting party, and not do anything to make them feel alone.  It is part of the mitzva to love converts.  See the last paragraph of the Chinuch 431, who implies making a stranger/immigrant/visitor feel comfortable is something learned from this mitzvah, but is not neccesarily part of the mitzvah itself.
 מצות אהבת הגרים
  ועובר עליה ומצער אותם או שמתרשל בהצלתם או בהצלת ממונם או שמקל בכבודם מצד שהם גרים ואין להם עוזר באומה, ביטל עשה זה. ועונשו גדול מאד, שהרי בכמה מקומות הזהירה תורה עליהם. ויש לנו ללמוד מן המצוה היקרה הזאת לרחם על אדם שהוא בעיר שאינה ארץ מולדתו ומקום משפחת אבותיו, ולא נעביר עליו הדרך במצאנו אותו יחידי ורחקו מעליו עוזריו, כמו שאנו רואים שהתורה תזהירנו לרחם על כל מי שצריך עזר, ועם המדות הללו נזכה להיות מרוחמים מהשם יתברך, וברכות שמים ינוחו על ראשנו. והכתוב רמז טעם הציווי באמרו כי גרים הייתם בארץ מצרים, הזכיר לנו שכבר נכוינו בצער הגדול ההוא שיש לכל איש הרואה את עצמו בתוך אנשים זרים ובארץ נכריה, ובזכרנו גודל דאגת הלב שיש בדבר וכי כבר עבר עלינו והשם בחסדיו הוציאנו משם, יכמרו רחמינו על כל אדם שהוא כן.

This idea is clearly expressed by Mark Twain:
(Setting: Huck, allegedly from England)
"What is it you won't believe, Jo?" says Mary Jane, stepping in with Susan behind her.
"It ain't right nor kind for you to talk so to him, and him a stranger and so far from his people. How would you like to be treated so?"
"That's always your way, Maim -­ always sailing in to help somebody before they're hurt. I hain't done nothing to him. He's told some stretchers, I reckon, and I said I wouldn't swallow it all; and that's every bit and grain I DID say. I reckon he can stand a little thing like that, can't he?"
"I don't care whether 'twas little or whether 'twas big; he's here in our house and a stranger, and it wasn't good of you to say it. If you was in his place it would make you feel ashamed; and so you oughtn't to say a thing to another person that will make THEM feel ashamed."
"Why, Maim, he said -­"
"It don't make no difference what he SAID -­ that ain't the thing. The thing is for you to treat him KIND, and not be saying things to make him remember he ain't in his own country and amongst his own folks."
I says to myself, THIS is a girl that I'm letting that old reptile rob her of her money!
Then Susan SHE waltzed in; and if you'll believe me, she did give Hare-lip hark from the tomb!
Says I to myself, and this is ANOTHER one that I'm letting him rob her of her money!
Then Mary Jane she took another inning, and went in sweet and lovely again -­ which was her way; but when she got done there warn't hardly anything left o' poor Hare-lip. So she hollered.
"All right, then," says the other girls; "you just ask his pardon."
She done it, too; and she done it beautiful. She done it so beautiful it was good to hear; and I wished I could tell her a thousand lies, so she could do it again.
 -----Huck Finn, Chapter 26  (emphasis mine)

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